Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Poke-pain (Spare Time, Game Time #14) Pokemon

Think about this man. It's scary. Gives me the heebie jeebies. Ech.               -M.M.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Snow-Mistake (Spare Time Game Time #13, Holiday Comic) Animal Crossing

Happy Holidays! I needed a game that I could do a wintery themed comic in, and what better game that good ol' Animal Crossing! So, deck your halls, spin your dreidels, light those seven Kwanzaa candles and have a wonderful holiday season from McKay and Gavin 


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hyposcroshi (Spare Time Game Time #12) Super Mario Bros.

Poor Yoshi. No wonder he runs like crazy when you get off him. Oh yea, you also punch him to get his tongue out!


Copy Ability Re-fuse-al (Spare Time Game Time #11) Kirby

I guess you could say it was Gavin's... Nightmare in Dreamland. *ba-dum tss*


Friday, December 11, 2015

Typecraft (Spare Time Game Time #10) Minecraft

How did he even turn on the computer? How did he craft the monitor and keyboard?
How is Gavin so dumb that he doesn't know how to make a brewing stand? Why did the chicken cross the road? So many questions. Just look them up. It's fine, I promise.


Fatal Phantom Food (Spare Time, Game Time #9) Pac-Man

If you laugh at this good for you. You love death and food. But let's be honest, that's Pac-Man in a nut-shell.
I was originally going to have Dr. Mario say 'He's got food poisoning" But Gavin insisted on death. Good on ya, Gav.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mega Terrible (Spare Time Game Time #8) Mega Man

Based on a true story. I'm not even joking you. I was playing Mega Man, Gavin was watching me and these words were exchanged. Lovely, isn't it?


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cold Competition (Spare Time Game Time #7) Metroid

Okay, don't underestimate the power of Rock Paper Scissors, man. It's some serious witchcraft you shouldn't mess with. It's also why I'm freaking awesome at Metroid.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Fired Up (Spare Time Game Time #6) Skyrim

There's a time and place for everything, and when people are burning, you don't make fire puns. Ever.

It's not coal, and pretty much the dumbest thing ember.


Friday, November 27, 2015

'Cone-science' (Spare Time, Game Time #3) Plants vs. Zombies

Seriously? How does that freakin' happen? i like to think of the Zombies as some kind of secret organization. Also 'professional research' and 'Gavin' DO NOT go together. That's like a fat guy and broccoli. Was that offensive? Yes? Frick.


'Big Mouth" (Spare Time, Game Time #2) Terraria

'Big Mouth'
Gross, Gavin. How 'bout no?
Whenever Gavin and  play Terraria, we always talk about how utterly discusting it is that the Eye of Cthulhu has a mouth... and just how it's an eye alone. Gavin hates it more than I do.


'Shrooms' (Spare Time, Game Time, w/ McKay and Gavin #1) Super Mario Bros.

Here's my first artwork on the blog! I've started a comic starring my friend Gavin and I in various video games as our favorite characters. In this comic, entitled 'Shrooms', I'm Prince Peach, and Gavin is Luigi. I hope you enjoy the debut of my comic series, 'Spare Time, Game Time'! Enjoy.
