Friday, November 27, 2015

'Cone-science' (Spare Time, Game Time #3) Plants vs. Zombies

Seriously? How does that freakin' happen? i like to think of the Zombies as some kind of secret organization. Also 'professional research' and 'Gavin' DO NOT go together. That's like a fat guy and broccoli. Was that offensive? Yes? Frick.


'Big Mouth" (Spare Time, Game Time #2) Terraria

'Big Mouth'
Gross, Gavin. How 'bout no?
Whenever Gavin and  play Terraria, we always talk about how utterly discusting it is that the Eye of Cthulhu has a mouth... and just how it's an eye alone. Gavin hates it more than I do.


'Shrooms' (Spare Time, Game Time, w/ McKay and Gavin #1) Super Mario Bros.

Here's my first artwork on the blog! I've started a comic starring my friend Gavin and I in various video games as our favorite characters. In this comic, entitled 'Shrooms', I'm Prince Peach, and Gavin is Luigi. I hope you enjoy the debut of my comic series, 'Spare Time, Game Time'! Enjoy.
